Oh-Hoon Kwon, Ph.D.
a.k.a. 권오훈 (權五勳)

Professional info
Professor at Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology
2013. 5 - Present
My research spans the areas of electronic and structural dynamics of elementary reactions in condensed phase. I have special interest in nonequilibrium photoinduced phase transformations of materials, ultrafast electron-phonon interactions in correlated materials, photoinduced dynamics in nanometer-sized materials, ultrafast chemical dynamics, and ultrafast hydration dynamics in biological systems. Femtosecond-resolved electron microscopy (imaging, diffraction, and spectroscopy) and femtosecond-resolved optical spectroscopy, each of which stands alone as a powerful tool in ultrafast dynamics studies, are utilized together pursuing the scrutiny of the exciting subjects above.

Ultrafast (4D) electron microscopy
Fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy
Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy
Time-correlated single-photon counting
Steady-state electronic spectroscopy
Ultrafast structural dynamics
Femtochemistry and femtobiology
Macromolecular dynamics
Biophysical dynamics
Ultrafast materials dynamics
Phase-transition mechanism
Senior Scientist/Postdoctoral Scholar at Caltech
2005.10 - 2013. 5
Under the supervision of Dr. Zewail, a Nobel laureate in chemistry, I have built a femtochemistry laboratory (036) in "Femtoland" at Caltech in 2006. Combining a femtosecond-resolved fluorescence upconversion spectrometer and a picosecond-resolved time-correlated single-photon counting spectrometer, I have studied elementary chemical reaction dynamics, ultrafast photo-mutagenesis of a model DNA base pair, and ultrafast hydration dynamics of proteins. Since 2006, I have joined a team to develop the 2nd-generation UEM (UEM-2) and reported its powerful applications in various fields of science.
Advisor: Prof. Ahmed H. Zewail
Postdoctoral Scholar at Seoul National University
2004. 9 - 2005. 9
Taking advantage of the picosecond time resolution of a streak camera, I have investigated activation-controlled chemical reaction dynamics in solutions. The knowledge attained in neat systems have served for unveiling reaction mechanisms in a series of heterogeneous nano-media, such as micelles, cyclodextrins, and zeolites. The fundamental studies have been extended for understanding mechanisms of light-emitting devices and lead to develop organic light-emitting/laser materials.
Advisor: Prof. Du-Jeon Jang

Contact info
Oh-Hoon Kwon
Professor of Chemistry
College of Natural Sciences
Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology
Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-52-217-5424
Fax: +82-52-217-5269
Seoul National University, Physical Chemistry, Ph.D.
2000. 3 - 2004. 8
Dissertation title: Laser spectroscopic study on the proton transfer of 7-azaindole and hydroxyquinolines and the photophysics of C60
Advisor: Prof. Du-Jeon Jang
Seoul National University, Physical Chemistry, M.S.
1998. 3 - 2000. 2.
Dissertation title: Excited state double proton transfer reaction of a model DNA base pair: 7-azaindole dimer in low temperature organic glasses
Advisor: Prof. Du-Jeon Jang
Seoul National University, Chemistry, B.S.
1994. 3 - 1998. 2.
Outstanding Faculty Awards in Education, Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology (2024)
Korea Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, Korea (2005); declined
Excellent Publication Award, BK21 Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea (2004)
Excellent Publication Award, BK21 Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea (2001)
BK21 Research Fellowship, Korean Government, Korea, (1999 – 2004)
Young Do Fellowship, Young Do Foundation, Korea (1998 – 2001)