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Useful movie clips

[Lab Intro.2022] Prof. Oh-Hoon Kwon / UNIST Chemistry유니스트 화학과
수수께끼를 풀 수 있는 현미경 / YTN 사이언스

How single-shot DTEM works

Dynamic TEM in Lawrence Livermore National Laboaratory

Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy 2

by Photon Factory at the University of Auckland

[Lab Intro.2021] Prof. Oh-Hoon Kwon / UNIST Chemistry유니스트 화학과
4차원 전자현미경을 설치하기까지 / YTN 사이언스

Fluorescence lifetime measurements

HALCYONE spectrometer (Ultrafast Systems)

4차원 전자현미경으로 원자의 움직임을 촬영하다! /YTN 사이언스

Why 4D electron microscopy?

Prized Science 2011 - Episode 1 - Designing the World's Fastest Camera

Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy 1

by Joel Hales, Georgia Institute of Technology

UV/vis spectroscopy

from RSC

The Spectrophotometer: A demo and practice experiment

Quattro-II Spectrofluorometer & Phosphorimeter

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